Friday 5 December 2008

How are women presented in comercials and adverts?

Mösleweg 16
A-6840 Götzis

December 4th, 2008
c/o 11718 Barrington
court # 508
C- 90049 Los Angeles,USA
Dear Sir,

The presenting of women in commercials

Everyday millions of people worldwide see your adverts . I personally noticed that most of them show a totally wrong sight of women, which is the reason, why I’m writing to you.

I’m a person who’s not easy to convince of something, but out of my experience and from the people around me I know that advertisement influences people all ages a lot! Therefore we both know that the message of an advert is very important and so I think it shouldn’t be a lie; how it’s unfortunately in most cases and especially in your adverts. It’s unacceptable how you present us women. I noticed that on the one hand you often show anorexic women, on the other hand very pretty, beautiful and half naked women; which both absolutely doesn’t respond in reality! In most of the cases those flawless women and the products promise eternal beauty. But come on, you know exactly like me that all those promises are a huge lie. Nevertheless people bye and bye your products, because they’re all unconsciously influenced by your (and of course thousands of other) hole promises. You also show women often in a silly and clumsy way, which is for lots of people in some cases just discriminatory! You present women in a way, which is just dishonest and often offending!

Therefore I hope that you at least think about what you really express in you adverts. Your imagination of silly and flawless women isn’t just an advert because that really does influence our society. Stop immediately lying to us and all the world and try to be more realistic!

Yours sincerely


1 comment:

Guenter said...

Leave some space before 'Dear Sir" (only if you're sure there's a man there - otherwise use 'Dear Sir, dear Madam,"
the presentation of women
every day (jeder Tag) - everyday (= adjective: ordinary, typical or usual)
advertising on TV: commercials
'sight of women' --> they create a totally wrong image of women
a person who's not easily convinced of ...
from my experience - meiner Erfahrung nach
people of all ages / people of all age groups
"how it’s unfortunately in most cases and especially in your adverts" ---> ... as the facts are presented in your commercials in most cases.
I've noticed ... (present perfect! There is a consquence to this!)
halb-nackt - semi-naked
'entsprechen' - this doesn't correspond with reality; it doesn't mirror reality
both don't ... (both --> plural!!)
.. the women and the products that are promoted with them ...
Note: by - buy - bye
thousands of others
word order: you also often show ...
tense: I hope you will at least think ...
Your presentation of ...
word order: immediately stop lying to us / stop lying to us immediately

The basic letter outline is correct and you also present an argument. It would be good if you gave concrete examples, i. e. you refer to an advert and criticize it.
Be careful with style: "come on" doesn't fit stylistically.