Thursday 25 December 2008

My own idea of a perfect family (exam correction - Task B)

Nowadays there exist many different kinds of families. But in most cases you’re not able to choose, in which family you would like to live. The different kinds of families are a mixed bag of positive and negative aspects but which type is the best to live in? I personally think of the traditional family, the nuclear family, consisting of a male breadwinner, a female homemaker and in most cases 2.2 children.

From this perspective the family that is presented in ‘Virgins’ seems to be ideal, but only at first sight. The roles they play in their family are exactly the opposite of what I presented of a nuclear family. But this family shows some positive aspects of a nuclear family, other kinds of families may not offer. For example the advantage of their children to have both sides, their father and their mother, to discuss with, which is quite good, because I personally think that you normally need both sides. Primarily Jack shows how important it is to have siblings. He doesn’t get along with his father all the more his sister plays a important role in his life. She’s someone he can ask for advice and support which is the reason why he trusts her and is very thankful to have her (more often than not).

I think roles in a family are quite important. In the play Suzy’s the provider and Nick cares for the children and is in charge of the household. It hasn’t to be exactly like in this family, I think it’s only important that there exist some roles and a certain kind of structure which automatically leads to respect, which is very important. And that’s also what I miss a bit in a single parent household. There the single parent has to be breadwinner, provider and the one who calls the shots at the same time. That means that a single parent is often too busy and has no time for the children anymore. Then you may have the same problem, as the family in the play has: no one has time to listen and speak to each other – as a result also no one understands the other one! Therefore I think it’s much better when the work is split and when the parents both have equal rights in a family, because otherwise it may seem to live in a dictatorship, where also only one person calls the shots!

The role children play in a family is very, very, very important and it’s the main reason why I think that a nuclear family is normally the best! In my own experience I know that in the end it’s positive for a child to grow up with brothers and sisters. I already mentioned that in the play Jack shows how important his sister is for him and how important it is to have her as a father figure. In my opinion you need someone you can ask for advice and support. That’s so important!

In my essay I tried to show that it’s the feeling of being part of a community which a nuclear family (normally) offers you. And that it’s important to have both a common history and a kind of father figure. In my opinion it’s easier to achieve these points in a nuclear or extended family, which is the reason why I personally support this type although I unfortunately don’t live in such a kind of family.

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