Friday 16 November 2007

Life after death...? What happens when we die???

I believe in reincarnation! For me this life is just a kind of preparation for the life that will come next. I think that we were born, to experience what it means to 'live'. We get problems to solve them and primarily to LEARN OUT OF THEM! - For me the purpose of life. And if you're not able to do this, you'll get an other chance in your next life. I can't visualize that if you die your life is finished and there is nothing else. I don't know if there is a beyond, a purgatory or something else but I'm quite sure that death is not the end. BUT I don't think that all people reincarnate - only those, who haven't solved their problems. I don't agree with people who say that the life after death is like the life now... I've got a notion that maybe it will be the opposite - for example that we're going to be reborn as an animal. Maybe...
I'm really glad that we CAN die and that we don't have to live forever and so I'm absolutely not scared about death, but maybe a little bit scared about how we're going to die.
For me the perfekt way of dying would be to softly fall asleep and never wake up again!

1 comment:

Guenter said...

"For me that's the purpose of life."
"I can't imagine / accept/ believe / ... that if you die ..."
- well done, well argued, well presented