Thursday 26 February 2009

Staying informed

Whenever there happens something horrible in society, in the most cases especially newspapers report that society is very uninformed because otherwise ‘this or that’ would not have been possible to happen. I personally think that it’s enormously important to inform our self and I also do inform myself with looking the news, reading the newspaper and using the internet (e.g. BBC) daily. But many people (unfortunately especially in my age) don’t know why it is important to inform our self, which is why I want to talk about some examples in my essay. To answer this question (why we should stay informed), there are a lot of examples which I personally subdivided in three main reasons: for society, for yourself and for democracy!

First of all, it’s very important for our self and our basic knowledge, to be and stay informed all the time. Communication is decisive for a “good society” and for integration, which means that everyone needs a certain knowledge to argue and communicate with others on a certain standard. Additionally being informed is an advantage in many subjects in school and can really help you by building and presenting your own opinion.

Therefore it’s secondly very important for our society and of course also for our social aspect that we inform our self. In the newspaper you can find information about all kinds of services our community has and also where you can find organisations that support e.g. poor people. You can also find some letters to the editor which are also good for society because they’ve something to do with your own conscious or subconscious formation of opinion.

Thirdly, maybe the most important reason to inform our self is politics. I think if our society would know more about our past and if they would be generally better informed, it wouldn’t be possible that still right wing extremists parties earn as many votes as they earned at the last selection. Because if society would only know a bit more about our political past, I’m sure they wouldn’t want to have the same crime as we actually had (not long ago!). Politics is material to all of us and society should be able to react or protest against politics all the time, if they try to do something “wrong”. But if we don’t know what’s going on, we’re unable to do anything, which means that we’re totally government-controlled and powerless, which is very dangerous!
The more our society consists out of uninformed people, the more dangerous it is for all of us! It’s so important for a state and our future to stay informed, because otherwise there consists the danger of manipulation, like Hitler actually is the best example for. He and of course also many other powerful people until today wanted and want that “no one is able to think independent”, which was also a basic idea of the African apartheid - an idea powerful enough to destroy the half world!

Finally as you can hopefully see at my examples, being informed should be a “must have” for everyone. Everyone of us should now what’s going around in the world we all live in, because everyone of us is a part of our society, which automatically means that also everyone of us is jointly responsible for our society and therefore how our future is going to look like.

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