Thursday 19 April 2007


Mysterious killing of a young prostitute

London (same). There has been a mysterious murder of a prostitute in one of London’s poor quarters yesterday night. While the sacrifice Nancy P. was sleeping, she was probably waken up by her criminal pimp and brutally killed afterwards.
This was surly no common murder. The corps of her showed sign of brutally killing, it is assumed that this was not roughly a “normal” murder, no; it was a murder with many coherences.
It was the night of the 1st of August, when Nancy P. was killed. The police assume that her lover, Bill Sikes, was the murderer because he is the only one who eventually had a reason to kill her. The detectives mean that because of Sikes, Nancy P. had also contacts to a most wanted burglar-gang.

Her dead body was found by Rose, also a prostitute and a good friend of Nancy.
She shocked told reporters:” It was at around eleven o’clock in the morning, as I wanted to visit Nancy, like I do it every morning! She was a very, very good friend of me. First all was like every day. I came upstairs and wanted to open the door…, it was locked and I wondered. I called Nancy, Nancy…, but nobody opened the door. I temporized… suddenly I saw blood running out of the room. I was so shocked. In all my life I have never had a more horrible feeling like in this moment. First I absolutely did not realized what had happened and what all this means. Panic came over me… for a short moment I thought about, what would be the best to do in this harrowing situation, but my feet’s already run away. It was so horrible there, and it’s even more horrible to remind this horrid situation again and again, every night I dream about it that will make me sick somewhere along the way! I am not able to support this still longer…! I firmly believe it was Bill, I am sure, I never trusted him, he always seemed a little bit mysterious to me!”
Sam Pope, seemingly a neighbour and good friend of the two told:” I can not believe this all! I know Nancy and Bill about five or six years… they were always very friendly to me. I have never heard them quarrelling… and I have also never heard some bad things about Bill, least of all that he is a pander. That all seems to me unbelievable… I really don’t think that it could be Bill who killed Nancy, no…not on any account.”

The police are not sure who the murderer of Nancy is, they are still searching for more information and witnesses. The crime is not cleared yet, but the scientists even examine after more references to clear it up and to ensure who the real murderer is. Also the famous criminologist Peter Heltford is going to make graphics and analyses about this strange incident.

More about this in the following issue (6th of September)

[ about 480 words]

1 comment:

Guenter said...

t: there was ... yesterday night.
exp: sacrifice (Opfer z. B. in der Kirche, Opfer für Gott) <--> victim (Opfer eines Verbrechens)
g: wake (irregular verb)
exp: surly <--> surely [two different words!]
g / sp: her corpse
g: brutal killing (adjective + noun)
exp / punctuation: "it is assumed that this was not roughly a “normal” murder, no; it was a murder with many coherences." --> What should this mean?
dates: the night of August 1st
exp: "eventually" = schlussendlich
exp: a reason for killing her
exp: "mean" = bedeuten [oder] gemein / geizig
exp: "a most wanted burglar-gang" - badly expressed, use a relative clause for this
g: ... a good friend of Nancy's.
exp / g: " She shocked told reporters:" --> incorrectly expressed
exp: ... when I wanted to visit her as I do ... (like --> a preposition! (Vorwort))
exp: a good friend of mine
exp: "ich wunderte mich" -> I was surprised / astonished / amazed /...
exp: "I temporized…" ???? -> what does it mean?
exp: "blood running out of the room." --> that would have to be a lot of blood ("fließen")
exp: at this moment
g: I did not realize --> no double past tense
exp: "Panic came over me… " --> unidiomatic
exp. "my feet’s already run away" --> badly expressed, "feet" is a plural already
exp: "remind" <--> "remember" --> You use those words incorrectly.
exp: "I am not able to support this still longer" --> A literal translation from German, incorrect in English
exp: "mysterious" --> badly chosen word
str: tell + object --> who did Sam tell about it???
t: I have know ... for about 10 years
exp: "The crime is not cleared yet" --> what does it mean???
exp: "but the scientists even examine after more references to clear it up and to ensure who the real murderer is" --> ????
exp: "Also the famous criminologist Peter Heltford is going to make graphics and analyses about this strange incident." --> ?????

Basically you know how to do this, but what Nancy says in direct speech is much much too long! You seem to lack a feeling for this kind of text. Read the newspaper a bit more. Your English is quite unidiomatic and you often seem to translate German sentences word by word.