Thursday 21 February 2008

Essay writing - pros and cons of a ban on violent scenes in movies

Violence - one of the most discussed, most difficult and always current themes around the whole world. Everyday we're confronted with violence and especially in the last years even more and more! Violent movies are getting more and more sucessful in our society, and it's controversial if there should be a ban on it or not.

There are three major arguments from people who are against such a ban:
Firstly, we don't turn into a non-violent society just because we don't show violence in movies - because violence is everywhere! Secondly, most of the films shown in cinemas or on tv are so unrealistic that a normal person wouldn't copy or imitate those (mostly total nonsensical) violent- scenes they saw in films. And thirdly, according to researches and surveys, the majority of the people doesn't get violent just because they watch such films.

But there are also powerful arguments wich are in favour to a ban on violence in movies. Firstly, there are also many very good non-violent films which are sucessfull too. Maybe because so much violence, how it's shown in most of the films today, isn't realistic anymore! Secondly, it's proved that exactly violent movies have got an extremely high influence on people, especially on children under twelve years. They unconsciously become more and more violent to others. Thirdly, the imitation of violent scenes e.g. if ther's a amok-run shown in a film, the viewers maybe think of violence as a solution!

Finally, I can't imagine a general ban on violence in movies. In the majority of cases violence has got a negative influence on us, and I would wish, there would be stricter censorships of violent scenes, but I unfortunately think, it's already to late for making a general ban on violent movies.